Tuesday, July 7, 2015

The importance of rekeying your locks

Protecting your home should always be your number one concern. Not only do you want to ensure that your valuable belongings and possessions are secure, but you also want to make sure that your loved ones are protected. The very first line of defense in your home are locked and secure doors. Taking a closer look at how your doors are secured and lock could be the best form of burglary prevention for your home. Most homeowners are pretty uneducated about the specifics involving the security of their home. Understanding the importance of rekeying your locks is an issue that more homeowners need to take seriously.

What is Re-Keying?

 Before you learn why having your home rekeyed is so important, you need to understand what rekeying actually involves. Rekeying is essentially the process of changing the tumblers on your existing lock. This means changing them the tumblers to tumblers of different sizes. This keeps you from having to replace every single lock in your home, but still offers high levels of protection. You can make improving the security of your home more affordable by having your locks rekeyed.

Why Do I Need My Home Re-Keyed?

Rekeying your home is a security measure that you can take for a variety of different reasons. It doesn’t matter if you have lived in your home for over 20 years or just moved in, you can benefit from having your locks rekeyed. Rekeyed locks make you less at risk of a break-in due to a lost or stolen key and also enhance the overall security of your property.

What if You Have a New Home?

If you have recently moved into a new home, it is essential that you look into having your locks rekeyed. The fact is that when you move into a new home you do not know exactly who has keys. You might think that you have all the sets of keys that were ever made, but you can’t be sure. Having your locks rekeyed allows you to make sure that your home is completely secure and not vulnerable to a break-in. If you aren’t entirely sure who has access to your home, it is better to be safe rather than sorry. Having your home rekeyed is an affordable solution to your problem.

Any qualified and trained local locksmith in your region can provide lock rekeyed services. A trusted local locksmith will make all of the difference!

Read all of our other blog posts on our locksmith blog. -See you there!

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